Cathedral of Saint Joseph

Status: Upcoming

140 Farmington Avenue: “the Second Cathedral,” built 1958-1962; architect Eggers and Higgins.


Move your mouse over a circle to see a photo.
AllExteriorInteriorCampus Map
Interior: Altar
Interior: Ambulatory Chapel of Saint Anne
Interior: Ambulatory Chapel of Saint Bernard
Interior: Ambulatory Chapel of Saint Brigid
Interior: Ambulatory Chapel of Saint Francis
Interior: Ambulatory Chapel of Saint Therese
Interior: Apse Looking into Baldachin
Interior: Apse looking out into nave
Exterior: Artifacts of St Elizabeth Convent
Interior: Baldachin
Campus Map: Cathedral Campus
Exterior: East Walk
Exterior: East Walk Approaching Farmington Avenue
Exterior: East Walk from Farmington Avenue
Exterior: Front Doors
Interior: Front Elevation
Exterior: Front Frieze
Exterior: Heating Plant
Exterior: Heating Plant East Elevation
Exterior: Heating Plant South Elevation
Exterior: Lithuanian Conversion Memorial
Interior: Madonna Side Chapel
Interior: Madonna Side Chapel Altar
Interior: Nave Looking South
Exterior: Mothers Garden
Exterior: Northeast Corner
Exterior: Northwest Corner of Cathedral
Exterior: Orientation and Donor Pavilion
Interior: Pulpit
Exterior: Rear of West Entrance Addition
Exterior: Rectory
Interior: Reredos from below
Interior: Reredos straight up
Interior: Sanctuary Looking Northeast
Interior: Sanctuary looking northwest
Interior: Sanctuary Looking Toward Nave
Interior: Ambulatory Chapel of Saint Patrick
Exterior: Southeast Corner of Cathedral
Exterior: Southwest Corner of Cathedral
Exterior: West Elevation
Exterior: West Entrance
Exterior: West Garden Farmington Avenue Entrance
Exterior: West Lawn
Exterior: West Side Drive


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The main source for information on this page is the Hartford [Daily] Courant. Specific references to articles can be found under the timeline entries. I will soon be moving on to other, secondary sources of material, and they, as well as any additional Courant articles, will be added to the complete list of sources related to the contents on this page.
