George Affleck

Status: Upcoming

(ca. 1816-1880) florist and horticulturalist; born in Scotland circa 1816; moved to Hartford, ca. 1840; worked for I. W. Bull and George Beach; went into business with Ransom Whitmore; operated Asylum Hill Nursery, 1850-1880; died in Hartford on February 17, 1880.


Questions about George Affleck

The Courant refers to George Affleck’s nursery on Asylum Hill various as the Asylum Hill Nursery, the Asylum Hill Nurseries, and Affleck’s Greenhouses (or “green-houses”). For my purposes here, I refer to Affleck’s business as the “Asylum Hill Nursery,” both because that appears to be the most common name used and because it corresponds to most frequently used name of his brother Henry’s business, the Zion Hill Nursery.


The main source for information on this page is the Hartford [Daily] Courant. Specific references to articles can be found under the timeline entries. I will soon be moving on to other, secondary sources of material, and they, as well as any additional Courant articles, will be added to the complete list of sources related to the contents on this page.
