George Affleck petitions for permission to build a house on Asylum Avenue

03/30/1863 |


The Board of Alderman considered a request by George Affleck for permission to build a house on Asylum Avenue.

It’s unclear if this house was for himself or for someone else.  If he wasn’t already, some time between now and his death he would occupy a house on the same property as his nursery, but his obituary indicated that he speculated in real estate.

  1. The Board of Aldermen also received a report on a proposal to expand Hartford’s water supply. The proposal included the construction of a new reservoir on Zion’s Hill, which is where Henry Affleck had his nursery.
  2. The Hartford Court of Common Council, meeting the same night, passed a resolution that laid out Niles Street.

Unattributed.  “City Government, Last Evening,” Hartford Daily Courant, March 31, 1863, page 2.

George Affleck


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