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The Hartford Fire Insurance Company continued to move out of its offices at the corner of Pearl and Trumbull Streets and into its new office on Asylum Avenue today.
According to the Courant, the Hartford Fire Insurance Company hadn’t been able to sell its soon-to-be former building at the corner of Trumbull and Pearl Streets.
According to the Courant, the Hartford Fire Insurance Company’s new office building neared completion, and within a week the first group of employees would move in.
At a meeting of the Hartford Board of Street Commissioners, Lucius F. Robinson informed the commissioners that the Hartford Fire Insurance Company would present a second petition regarding its opposition to the planned course of the Broad Street Extension to the Hartford Court of Council.
According to an article in today’s Courant, the Hartford Fire Insurance Company planned to petition the Hartford Board of Aldermen to reconsider their decision to support a layout for the extension of Broad Street from Farmington Avenue to Garden Street and that the matter be referred back to the Hartford Board of Street Commissioners with instructions to hold another hearing.
Mary Ellen LaPorte sold 230-232 Garden Street to Bridget Dolan.
Christine Ekstrom sold 293 Farmington Avenue to Philip L. Cahill and Alice E. Cahill for $69,725.
According to an article in the Courant today, the Asylum Avenue façade of the new Hartford Fire Insurance Company office building was under construction. Substantial work on the cellars had been completed, and work on the steam plant chimney was also underway. Additionally, crews were tearing down the Garden Street reservoir, removing dirt from its southern side.
The Hartford Courant reported today that the Hartford Board of Street Commissioners had scheduled a public hearing on the planned widening of Asylum Avenue between Garden Street and Sumner Street due to a groundswell of opposition from the property owners on that block.