Asylum Avenue Baptist Church Building Committee to recommend moving forward on rebuilding church

04/06/1931 |


The building committee and the general committee of the Asylum Avenue Baptist Church held separate, simultaneous meetings at the parsonage this evening.

  1. Meeting of the building committee:
  • Voted to recommend to the members that they proceed with rebuilding the church at its present location immediately.
  • Voted to recommend the old tower not be rebuilt
  • Voted to recommend construction of a new chancel
  • Voted to recommend the purchase and installation of a three manual organ
  • Voted to recommend the installation of a vapor heating system with an oil heater that would serve both the auditorium and the vestry.
  • Voted to recommend rejection of plans to alter the appearance of the church entrance on Asylum Avenue
  • Formed a committee on plans that would oversee rebuilding the church
  1. Meeting of the general committee
  • Prepared for the upcoming annual meeting of the church
  • Formed a nominating committee to assemble a slate of candidates for officers for the coming year
  • Formed an auditing committee

The building committee determined (or realized) that

  • the chimney would have to be rebuilt.
  • Fire-damaged equipment would need to be replaced

  1. A special meeting of the church would be held at West Middle School on April 13, 1931.
  2. The church’s annual meeting was scheduled for the first Thursday in May, which would be May 7.

The church’s subcommittee on merging with First Baptist Church of West Hartford decided not to move forward with the merger on April 1, 1931.

The First Baptist Church of West Hartford expressed a continuing interest in merging with Asylum Avenue Baptist Church at its annual meeting on April 9, 1931.

  1. “Action was taken following the fruitless termination of negotiations for a merger between the Asylum Avenue Baptist Church and the First Baptist Church of West Hartford.”
  2. “It is expected that the cost of rebuilding will be in the main defrayed from insurance.”

  1. The parsonage was located at 31 Linwold Drive, West Hartford.
  2. The individuals elected to serve on the committee on plans were
    • A. R. Carpenter
    • George A. Chandler
    • F. B. Haggard
    • L. M. Robotham
    • H. W. Warren
  3. The individuals elected to the nominating committee were
    • Mrs. R. D. Merriam
    • A. I. Prince
    • F. R. Wheeler
  4. The individuals appointed to the auditing committee were
    • George Lillard
    • W. H. Wiley

Unattributed.  “Baptist committee will recommend church rebuilding,” Hartford Courant, April 7, 1931, page 1.

Asylum Avenue Baptist Church


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