Meeting of the members of the Asylum Avenue Baptist Church

06/18/1931 |


Members of the Asylum Avenue Baptist Church met tonight at the Trinity Episcopal Church parish house.

  1. Frank Haggard presided at the meeting
  2. The members voted to approve the expenditure of an additional $12,000 for rebuilding the church
  3. The members voted to authorize the treasurer to mortgage the church property for $25,000
  4. The members voted to approve a new design for the front exterior of the church that included
  • Replacement of the original three doors covered by an overhead shelter with two adjoining doors centered in the façade and set in stone work;
  • The two original doors to each side of the original center door would be converted into windows; and
  • Installation of a large, new window that would rise to a peak above the new adjoining doors.

The total estimated cost for the project now stood at $84,000, which was “practically covered” by $57,000 from the church’s insurance on the building and the $25,000 mortgage authorized tonight.

The plans approved at this meeting for the rebuilt church building gave us the building as it appears today.

  1. The insurance settlement described here, $57,000, was rounded up from the $56,771 settlement reported elsewhere.
  2. So far, I haven’t found that the church approved a cost of $72,000 for this project. The last estimate I’ve so far found was $69,057, which was provided by the project architects.

On April 13, 1931, members of the church voted to approve moving forward with rebuilding the church.

“Further expenditure, amounting to $12,000, was voted for the rebuilding of the church.  At a previous meeting, $72,000 was voted for this purpose.”

Unattributed.  “$25,000 mortgage by Asylum Ave. church is voted,” Hartford Courant, June 19, 1931, page 1.

Asylum Avenue Baptist Church


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