Asylum Avenue Baptist Church Building Committee discussed merger with First Baptist Church of West Hartford

03/25/1931 |


The Asylum Avenue Baptist Church building committee met at the home of Lewis M. Robotham.

  1. The building committee discussed the negotiations about a potential merger that it had had with a special committee of the First Baptist Church of West Hartford.
  2. The committee then voted to report on these “informal conversations” at an adjourned meeting of Asylum Avenue Baptist Church to be held on March 29.
  3. Henry W. Warren announced the result of building committee’s vote.

  1. The committee’s discussion “resulted in a ‘general clearing of the atmosphere,’ insofar as the building committee” was concerned.
  2. The building committee believed that it should report on its actions to the members of the church before any other action was taken because “these negotiations may have a very definite influence on the decision of the members concerning rebuilding the church.”

The article referred to Lewis Robotham as “L. M. Robinson, vice-chairman of the building committee.”

  1. The members of the Asylum Avenue Baptist Church postponed further action on rebuilding the church on March 15, 1931.
  2. The First Baptist Church of West Hartford appointed a special committee to discuss a potential merger with the Asylum Avenue Baptist Church on March 16, 1931.

The March 29 adjourned meeting would take place immediately after the Sunday service.

Unattributed.  “Merger of churches informally discussed Baptists announce,” Hartford Courant, March 26, 1931, page 8.

Asylum Avenue Baptist Church


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