Asylum Avenue Baptist Church meets to consider new location

03/15/1931 |


Members of Asylum Avenue Baptist Church met at West Middle District School immediately following Sunday services in order to consider the future plans for the church.

  1. Attendees were told that the cost of rebuilding the church at its present location would be $73,000
  2. The cost could be reduced to $67,000 if the tower was eliminated along with other minor changes
  3. Speakers spoke both in favor of relocating the church and in favor of reconstruction at the present site.
  4. The attendees voted to defer action on rebuilding or relocating their church for at least two weeks.
  5. L. M. Robotham was elected vice chair of the building committee.
  6. Attendees elected new members to the building committee:
  • George W. Lillard
  • Kirby A. Pratt
  • Mildred R. Pratt
  • Albert I. Prince
  • Marguerite Gemmill Robotham
  • Burt K. Spencer

  1. The additional cost of reconstruction included
  • Alterations to the chancel
  • Installation of a new three manual organ
  • Purchase of new equipment to replace what was lost in fire
  • Changes to the exterior of the front of the building
  • Installation of a “vapor central heating system with oil heat”
  1. Delay intended to permit building committee to
  • Consider possible sites for relocating the church
  • Obtain tentative plans for the construction of a new building
  • Obtain an estimate for the cost of constructing a new church
  1. There was a growing push among the members of the church to relocate to West Hartford
  2. Several sites were available for a new church, including the property of Louis F. Butler at 242 Fern Street.

  1. The new members appear to have been additions to the building committee, not replacements.
  2. It is unclear if L. M. Robotham replaced A. Raleigh Carpenter as vice chair or if Robotham became a second vice chair.

  1. A. Raleigh Carpenter had been elected vice chair of the building committee when it was formed on February 15, 1931.
  2. The building committee reviewed bids for rebuilding the church at its present location on March 9, 1931.

  1. Tomorrow, the board of trustees and the advisory committee of the First Baptist Church of West Hartford would meet and appoint a special committee to discuss the possibility of merging with the Asylum Avenue Baptist Church with the Asylum Avenue Baptist Church Building Committee.
  2. The building committee would meet on March 25, 1931 to discuss the possibility of merging with First Baptist Church, West Hartford.


  1. Mildred R. Pratt was married to Kirby A. Pratt.
  2. Marguerite Gemmill Robotham was married to Lewis Robotham
  3. Louis F. Butler was president of Travelers. He died on October 23, 1929.

Unattributed.  “Asylum Ave. Baptist Church meeting will consider building site,” Hartford Courant, page 11.

Unattributed.  “Baptists may talk merger of churches,” Hartford Courant, March 19, 1931, page 1.

Unattributed.  “Building plan is deferred by Baptists,” Hartford Courant, March 16, 1931, page 1.

Asylum Avenue Baptist Church


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