The Courant reported that George Affleck had bought a lot on Asylum Avenue

10/19/1863 |


According to an article in the Hartford Daily Courant, George Affleck had bought a lot on Asylum Avenue.

The lot extended 94 feet on Asylum Avenue and cost Affleck $5000.

  1. The article reported that “Messrs. Rider & Alden have sold, in the last few days, the following described pieces of property.” No specific dates for these transactions were given.
  2. It also isn’t clear where this lot was, either on Asylum Avenue or in relation to Affleck’s nursery property on Asylum Avenue. So far, the only property on Asylum Hill that I have identified as owned by Affleck was between Huntington and Sigourney Streets.

George Affleck petitioned the Hartford Board of Aldermen for permission to build a hose on Asylum Avenue on March 30, 1863.

$5000 would be equivalent to $118,718.25 in 2023.

Unattributed.  “Real estate,” Hartford Daily Courant, October 19, 1863.

George Affleck


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