Fair held by the women of Trinity Episcopal Church

12/21/1860 |


The women of Trinity Church held a fair at 6 Farmington Avenue.

  1. The fair was held to raise funds for furniture for the new church and to expand the Sunday School library collection.
  2. There was an admission fee of 10 cents.
  3. Items for sale included “useful and fancy articles.”
  4. Refreshments were also available.


The fair was originally scheduled for yesterday, but it was postponed due to inclement weather.

The classified ads, which ran on December 20 and 21, 1860, noted that the new church was under construction.

All information on this fair, from news items and classified ads, were published in advance of the event.

  1. The cornerstone for the new church was laid on October 23, 1860.
  2. The fair was announced in articles that ran on December 18 and 20, 1860 as well as the classifieds that ran on December 20 and 21, 1860.

Builders completed work on the church building on March 30, 1861.

  1. The news items about the fair called the location of the fair the “late residence of Dr. Comstock,” while the classified ad described it as “lately occupied by Mrs. Dr. Comstock.”
  2. It’s also interesting to note that the “ladies” were from Lord’s Hill, as was their parish. Most other references to the location of Trinity Episcopal Church were to Asylum Hill.

From the classified ads:  “All the friends of the New Parish are invited to attend.”

  1. The house at 6 Farmington Avenue, which was also (or just later) 667 Asylum Avenue, would today be at the eastern end of the parking lot and garage at 50 Farmington Avenue. The house was demolished in 1916.
  2. 10 cents in 1860 is the equivalent of $3.68 in 2023.

Unattributed.  “Fairs,” Hartford Daily Courant, December 20, 1860, page 2.

Unattributed.  “The Fair,” Hartford Daily Courant, December 21, 1860, page 2.

Unattributed.  “The ladies of Trinity Church, Lord’s Hill,” Hartford Daily Courant, December 18, 1860, page 2.

Unattributed.  “Trinity Church,” Hartford Daily Courant, December 20, 1860, page 3.

Unattributed.  “Trinity Church,” Hartford Daily Courant, December 21, 1860, page 3.

Trinity Episcopal Church


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