Charter Oak Bank auctioned off some of the contents of the Church of the Savior

05/23/1860 |


The Charter Oak Bank held an auction to sell some of the contents of the Church of the Savior at 11:00 AM.

  1. T. M. Allyn purchased the organ for $1,225.
  2. Albert Day purchased the bell for $630. He had outbid William Buckingham by $5.
  3. Henry Selling bought 100 damask-covered cushions for $225.
  4. Charles Hillyer bought the communion table for $25.
  5. The furniture was removed from the church.

  1. The organ had originally cost the church $2,800.
  2. T. M. Allyn bought the organ for his new hall.
  3. Albert Day purchased the bell for the South Baptist Church.

At this point in time, the bank was preparing to demolish the church building.

  1. The time of the auction comes from an article published the day of the auction.
  2. Presumably, the auction was held at the church, but that isn’t stated directly in either the articles or in the classified ads.
  3. This article reported that the furniture was removed, but the Unitarians held one last service in the church on May 27, 1860, suggesting that at least some of the furniture remained through Sunday.

  1. The Courant reported that Charter Oak Bank had purchased the Church of the Savior on April 23, 1860.
  2. Charter Oak Bank advertised the auction in a classified ad run on May 15, 1860, May 18, 1860, May 19, 1860, and May 21, 1860.

  1. The Universalist Society would hold their last service at the Church of the Savior on May 27, 1860.
  2. T. M. Allyn would give the organ to Trinity Episcopal Church at some point before March 30, 1861.

T. M. Allyn’s new hall was probably Allyn Hall. I don’t know anything really about Allyn Hall except that it comes up frequently as the location of important events in Hartford. Also, if I read my maps correctly, Allyn Hall was on the northwest corner of Asylum and Trumbull Streets while the Church of the Savior was on the northeast corner.

“The Unitarian Church was stripped of its furniture, yesterday, preliminary to its demolition.  We are sorry that the beautiful structure must give way to the demands of commerce.”

  1. William Alfred Buckingham was governor of Connecticut from 1858 to 1866. He later served as US senator.
  2. Charles Tudor Hillyer served as a Union general during the Civil War. He was also the first president of the Charter Oak Bank, a position he held from 1855 to 1879.
  3. The prices paid, in 2023 dollars:
  • Organ: $45,031.15
  • Bell: $23,158.88
  • Cushions: $8,271.03 (almost $83 apiece)
  • Communion table: $919.00
  1. The organ, which appears to have been installed in 1847, would have cost $104,183.56.


Morris, J. F.  “Church organ, bell, &c.,” Hartford Daily Courant, May 15, 1860, page 1.

Morris, J. F.  “Church organ, bell, &c.,” Hartford Daily Courant, May 18, 1860, page 1.

Morris, J. F.  “Church organ, bell, &c.,” Hartford Daily Courant, May 19, 1860, page 1.

Morris, J. F.  “Church organ, bell, &c.,” Hartford Daily Courant, May 21, 1860, page 1.

Unattributed.  “The fine organ,” Hartford Daily Courant, May 23, 1860, page 2.

Unattributed.  “The Unitarian Church,” Hartford Daily Courant, May 24, 1860, page 2.


Trinity Episcopal Church


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