Superior Court on Morgan Street was in session, Edward Y. O’Connell presiding.
Edward Hawkins appeard before O’Connell on charges of first-degree assault and first-degree robbery.
Police alleged that Hawkins and his accomplices rifled through Melvin Alexander’s pockets as Alexander lay in the street after being struck by a car.
The article gave Hawkins’s address as 102 Huntington Street.
The article listed O’Connell as the presiding judge only in Hawkins’s case.
On March 2, 1979, Eddie Hawkins pleaded guilty to fourth-degree larceny and sentenced to 30 days in jail.
On December 26, 1980, Hawkins will be arrested on charges of first-degree robbery.
Unattributed. “Fourth suspect held in running down man,” Hartford Courant, October 27, 1979, page 18.
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