The Courant ran a classified ad for the “Mansion House”

5/28/1961 |


The Mansion House advertised in the Courant as “comfortable living for the aged” in a “warm friendly atmosphere.”

  1. The ad described the following amenities:
  • A centrally located area
  • One block from Farmington Avenue shopping
  • Religious facilities
  • The Over 60 Club
  1. The facility provided:
  • Room
  • Board
  • Supervision in a family like, home atmosphere

The ad said that the Mansion House was “backed by over ten years of experience.”

The Mansion House was located at 847 Asylum Avenue.

Florence Savoy was listed at the proprietor of the Mansion House.

Unattributed.  “Comfortable living for the aged,” Hartford Courant, May 28, 1961, page 8B.

The Linus Plimpton House


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