Meeting of the Hartford Zoning Board of Appeals

11/29/1960 |


The Hartford Zoning Board of Appeals met to consider eight items.

Notable items on the agenda:

  • 31 Woodland Street: the board approved construction of a 12-story apartment building at this site and permission to park as many as 240 cars there.
  • 37 Huntington Street: the board approved permission for two offices in the basement at this site.

  1. The applicant for construction of the building at 31 Woodland Street was 31 Woodland Street Corporation.
  2. The applicant for permission to have offices in the basement at 37 Huntington Street was Huntington Towers Corporation.

Unattributed.  “12-story apartment approved,” Hartford Courant, November 30, 1960, page 24A.

39 Woodland Street
The Woodland


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