Meeting of the Hartford Zoning Board of Appeals

03/17/1942 |


The Hartford Zoning Board of Appeals met to consider several applications for variances.

The board granted permission to John F. Johnstone to park two cars in the rear of 102 Huntington Street for six months.

The Johnstones had requested permission to park four cars behind their house.

This variance establishes that the Johnstones had begun to take in boarders.

The Johnstone will be granted an extension on September 29, 1942.

These two parking spaces were in addition to the two-car garage that existed at the rear of the property.

Unattributed.  “Board tables application for stables permit,” Hartford Courant, March 18, 1942, page 11.

Unattributed.  “Public hearing Tuesday on all-liquor permit,” Hartford Courant, March 15, 1942, page A14.

John F. Johnstone
Seymour-Clark House


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