Aetna Life Insurance Company released its mortgage on 847 Asylum Avenue

04/05/1937 |


Aetna Life Insurance Company released its mortgage on 847 Asylum Avenue.

Julia Bradley, Mary Plimpton, and Grace Plimpton had paid off the loan they took from Aetna Life.

Based on the extension agreement executed in July 1934, Julia, Mary, and Grace paid this loan off early.

  1. Julia, Mary, and Grace took out the loan on January 16, 1929.
  2. They and Aetna Life agreed to extend the loan on July 12, 1934.

The mortgage release was recorded by the Hartford Office of the Clerk on April 9, 1937.

City of Hartford.  “Release of mortgage,” Office of the Clerk Land Records, April 5, 1939, volume ???, page 452.

The Linus Plimpton House


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