The Board of the American School for the Deaf approved the sale of its property to Hartford Fire

05/14/1919 |


Meeting in the afternoon, the board of directors of the American School for the Deaf voted to accept the offer of the Hartford Fire Insurance Company for the school property. 

  1. The board discussed the details of transferring the property to Hartford Fire.
  2. The board appointed a three-member building committee that would oversee the planning for the new school in West Hartford. The committee consisted of William R. C. Corson, Archibald A. Welch, and Charles Taylor.
  3. Ground for the new building would likely not be broken before fall.
  4. According to Henry Perkins, the Hartford Fire Insurance Company wanted to take title to the property as soon as possible.
  5. Perkins added that Hartford Fire’s first step in constructing its new office would be the demolition of the main school building.
  6. The demolition was planned for late summer or early fall.

  1. Henry Perkins spoke to the Courant reporter that evening, and he described some of the details as to what would happen next.
  • First, plans would be obtained and accepted.
  • Second, arrangements would be made for the start of construction of the new building.
  • Third, a temporary location for the school would be identified for resident students and students attending the fall term.
  1. The school wouldn’t be ready to break ground at its new location until fall – and that was only if the planning was rushed.
  2. Hartford Fire wanted the land as soon as possible and planned to demolish the main school building by late summer or early fall.

  1. The appropriations bill signed by Marcus Holcomb required that the American School for the Deaf submit their plans for their new school to Holcomb before the state funds would be released to the school.
  2. The board of directors of the Hartford Fire Insurance Company approved the purchase of the Hartford campus of the American School for the Deaf yesterday.

Students would report back to the Hartford campus for the fall term, while demolition of the main school building was already underway, on September 24, 1919.

“The meeting was a long one, as there were many matters to be considered.”

Unattributed.  “School for Deaf accepts offer of Hartford Fire.”  Hartford Courant, May 15, 1919, page 20.

The Hartford


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