John Voorhees’s Position Shelled

06/16/1918 |


John Voorhees’s location came under attack as he was preparing to go to preach to soldiers from Hartford.

  1. Voorhees was shaken up by the attack but otherwise uninjured.
  2. He travelled to the town in which Charles Hesslegrave was stationed, about a mile away from where he was staying
  3. He gave a sermon to the soldiers.
  4. He, Hesselgrave, and the officers had “mess together” after the service.
  5. Hesselgrave travelled back to where Voorhees was stationed and saw the artillery damage for himself.

John Voorhees wrote a letter to Samuel Prentice on June 5, 1918.

Vorhees would be wounded in an artillery attack on his position on June 19, 1918.

This information comes from a letter sent by Charles Hesselgrave to Juliana Voorhees, reprinted by the Courant on July 15.

Unattributed, “How Dr. Voorhees Got His Wound,” Hartford Courant, July 15, 1918, page 3.

Unattributed, “Rev. Dr. Voorhees is now patient at N. Y. City hospital,” Hartford Courant, December 26, 1918, page 1.

John Voorhees


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