Twichell Designated Pastor Emeritus

01/10/1912 |


The joint standing committees of the Asylum Hill Congregational Church and the Asylum Hill Congregational Society met at 7:45 pm in the chapel.  This meeting was followed by a meeting of the Asylum Hill Congregational Society that began around 8:30 pm.

  1. Meeting of the joint standing committees:
    • Charles G. Case called the meeting to order.
    • Charles E. Thompson was elected chair.
    • A committee on resolutions was named.
    • James W. Cooper offered a prayer.
    • The resolutions and minutes presented by the committee were passed.
    • The resolutions requested that Twichell modify his resignation in order to agree to remain with the church as pastor emeritus and that the ecclesiastical society join in this request of Twichell.
    • Howard Walter’s letter of resignation was also considered.
  2. Meeting of the ecclesiastical society:
    • Charles A Blake served as chair.
    • The resolutions and minutes passed at the meeting of the joint standing committees were ratified.

  1. The resignations of Joseph Twichell as pastor and Howard Walter as assistant pastor were announced on December 10, 1911.
  2. The joint standing committees of the church and society met within the week following December 10, 1911 to consider the letters of resignation from Joseph Twichell and Howard Walter, and they appointed a subcommittee to arrange the meeting that took place today.

  1. Twichell led his last service at pastor on June 30, 1912.
  2. A reception for Howard Walter would be held on May 9, 1916.

  1. “During his pastorate, nearly 1,700 persons have entered our membership. Of these, about 775 came upon profession, and hence may be supposed to have begun their Christian life directly under his ministry.  “In the process of the years, many of these, whom we may call especially the children of this church, have gone forth from us to other churches, far and near, many of them into positions of peculiar influence and leadership.  But of these fruits of his ministry over 850 remain upon our roll today.”
  2. “We cannot forbear, however, to make special and appreciative mention, in this connection of the marvelous way in which, through so many years, Mrs. Twichell shared with her husband these varied pastoral cares and privileges. The overflowing goodness of her nature found incessant outlet in kindly service and gracious counsel, the memory of which mingles with that of her strong and beautiful character whenever we review the story of our life as a church.”

  1. The members of the subcommittee were Arthur H. Bronson; C. J. Burnell; Atwood Collins; Waldo S. Pratt; Samuel O. Prentice; and Henry C. Russ. Collins acted as chair.
  2. The committee on resolutions consisted of Arthur H. Bronson; C. J. Burnell; Atwood Collins; Waldo S. Pratt; Samuel O. Prentice; and Henry C. Russ.

Unattributed, “Fiftieth Anniversary of the Asylum Hill Congregational Church,” Hartford Courant, February 14, 1915, page X5

Unattributed, “Rev. Mr. Twichell as pastor emeritus,” Hartford Courant, January 11, 1912, page 6.

Joseph Twichell
Asylum Hill Congregational Church


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