Pearl Street Congregational Church approves purchase of land at Farmington and Woodland

07/19/1897 |


The Ecclesiastical Society of the Pearl Street Congregational Church met this evening in order to hear the report of its committee on the purchase of a new site for the church.

  1. Nathaniel Shipman presided at the meeting, and Archibald A. Welch served as clerk.
  2. The purchase committee’s report was read, and it recommended the purchase of the “lot on the east corner of Farmington avenue and Woodland street for $27,500.”
  3. The attendees approved the report.
  4. The attendees approved the sale of the east portion of the lot to be purchased to Gilbert W. Chapin
  5. The attendees voted to appoint a building committee of nine members
  6. William P. Williams, John G. Root, and Henry P. Hitchcock were appointed a nominations committee, and they nominated the following for the building committee:
  • Leverett Brainard
  • Lyman B. Brainard
  • Johnathan B. Bunce
  • Charles R. Burt
  • Henry H. Goodwin
  • Ward W. Jacobs
  • Arthur L. Shipman
  • Archibald A. Welch
  • William P. Williams
  1. The nine nominees were unanimously chosen.
  2. The meeting of the ecclesiastical society was adjourned.
  3. The six members of the new building committee who were present held a short conference
  • They selected William P. Williams to serve as chair and Archibald A. Welch to serve as secretary.

  1. The price Chapin was paying for the eastern section of the lot was not disclosed.
  2. The building committee would be empowered to:
  • Consult with architects
  • Receive plans for a new church building; and
  • Negotiate contracts for the construction of the new church building
  1. Funding for the construction of the new building would come from the sale of the current church property on Pearl Street, less the cost to purchase the land on Farmington and Woodland

The article did not identify who the six members of the building committee who were present this evening.  Based on other parts of the reporting, Archibald A. Welch and William P. Williams were at the society’s meeting, but the other four remain unidentified.

On August 7, 1897, the Courant will report that the building committee had selected Ernest Flagg as architect.

“This has been bargained for by Gilbert W. Chapin for himself and others.”

  1. The lot purchased measured 312’ along Farmington Avenue and 241’ along Woodland Street.
  • After the sale of the eastern section of the lot to Gilbert Chapin, the church would have 172’ along Farmington Avenue, and Chapin would have 140’.
  • The current dimensions of the properties in question are different, but Chapin’s purchase would have encompassed all of what is today 360 Farmington Avenue and most of what is 350 Farmington Avenue.
  1. The purchase price of $27,500 would be $1,045,874.70 today.

Unattributed.  “Pearl Street Church,” Hartford Courant, July 20, 1897, page 3.

Immanuel Congregational Church


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