William L. Robb Gives a Lecture on Roentgen Photography to the Friday Night Club at Asylum Hill Congregational Church

04/10/1896 |


William Robb gave a lecture on “Roentgen Photography” to the Friday Night Club in the Asylum Hill Congregational Church Chapel.

  1. The lecture was given for the benefit of foreign missions.
  2. The lecture was well-attended, and the audience listened with a great deal of interest
  3. At the end of the lecture, Robb used an Edison fluoroscope and a tungstate of calcium screen to demonstrate x-rays to the audience
  4. Robb showed the audience a coin in a purse, and he offered them the opportunity to see their hands through a board.
  5. Many spectators took advantage of the opportunity to their hands through a board and a coin in a purse.

Henry Green applied for permit to build a laboratory in his back yard on May 1, 1896.

"The lecture was very similar to the one Professor Robb gave at the college and which was reported in full in ‘The Courant’ at the time.”

Unattributed, “Looked through a Board: Professor Robb Uses a Fluoroscope at His Lecture,” Hartford Courant, April 11, 1896, page 8.

Asylum Hill Congregational Church


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