Arthur Bradley and Julia Plimpton were married

11/12/1884 |


Arthur Bradley and Julia Plimpton were married at a ceremony held at 5:00 PM at 847 Asylum Avenue.

  1. The wedding
  • The ceremony was performed in the large drawing room.
  • Julia wore “an elegant costume of white ottoman silk, elaborately trimmed with duchesse lace,” and she carried a “bouquet of maiden hair fern and lilies-of-the-valley.”
  • Arthur and Julia stood beneath “three large bouquets, two being of bon silene rosebuds and the other of jacqueminots.”
  • The bridesmaids were Mary Plimpton and Grace Plimpton.
  • Charles E. Chase was the best man.
  • Nathaniel Burton performed the ceremony.
  1. The reception
  • Arthur and Julia “received the congratulations of their friends.”
  • They were assisted by Clarissa Hibbard Plimpton, William H. Bradley, and Ellen Bradley Curtis.
  • The ushers at the reception were Charles E. Chase, H. W. Sheldon, Harry Wood, and “Mr. Horton of Pawtucket, R. I.”
  • An orchestra played during the event, and “the guests engaged in dancing.”

  1. The house was decorated with flowers and flowering plants, with “banks of flowers upon the mantels.”
  2. Clarissa Hibbard Plimpton wore a “rich dress of black satin, relieved by black and gold satin brocade.”
  3. Ellen Bradley Curtis wore a “black silk and satin” dress.

Arthur and Julia let on an “early evening train for a short bridal tour” following the reception.

Nathaniel Burton was a Congregational minister and pastor at the Park Congregational Church.  However, according to the Courant, he “employed the Episcopal ceremonial” for the wedding.

  1. “Her ornaments were diamonds, presented by her father.”
  2. “The wedding presents were numerous and very elegant.”

“Bon silene” and “jacqueminot” are both varieties of roses.

Unattributed.  “An elegant wedding,” Hartford Daily Courant, November 13, 1884, page 2.

Linus Plimpton House


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