Lawrence mcMahon arrived home in Hartford

09/21/1884 |


Lawrence McMahon arrived in Hartford this evening on the limited express train.

  1. McMahon had arrived in Bridgeport by ship, and he was met there by James Hughes, Father Kelley, and Fra. Leo.
  2. McMahon was met by Father McCabe and Father Sheehan in Hartford.
  3. The parochial residence on Farmington Avenue was “brilliantly illuminated” for McMahon’s return, and McMahon received numerous visitors who called on him to pay their respects.

“His arrival was somewhat of a surprise, as it was not known that he had sailed.”

It’s unclear if McMahon went straight from his ship to the train or if he had arrived in Bridgeport earlier than today, especially given that no one knew he was on his way.

McMahon had been abroad for the last five months, as part of a trip to make his first pontifical visit to Rome.

  1. McMahon shared his train with Morgan G. Bulkeley, who, like McMahon, was just returning from Europe.
  2. Bulkeley was greeted at the train depot by a “large number of friends, including members of the city government.”
  3. A grander reception had been proposed for Bulkeley’s return, but William H. Bulkeley had declined this reception as their mother was currently ill.
  4. Bulkeley went by carriage to his home on Washington Street.

Unattributed.  “Mayor Bulkeley’s return,” Hartford Daily Courant, September 22, 1884, page 2.

Lawrence McMahon
Cathedral of Saint Joseph


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