Marshall Jewell entertained Timothy Howe and his party at dinner at the Allyn House

12/07/1882 |


Marshall Jewell entertained Timothy Howe, A. D. Hazen, and David Parker at dinner at the Allyn House.

Guests at the dinner included William W. Eaton and Samuel L. Clemens.

Timothy Howe, A. D. Hazen, and David Parker arrived in Hartford earlier today by the “fast train” from New York.

Marshall Jewell will host a reception for Howe, Hazan, and Parker later this evening.

  1. Timothy O. Howe was postmaster general.
  2. A. D. Hazen was third assistant postmaster general.
  3. David B. Parker was the chief postal inspector.

Unattributed.  “Visit of postmaster-general Howe,” Hartford Daily Courant, December 8, 1882, page 2.

Marshall Jewell


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