Henry K. Morgan and George D. Morgan foreclosed on 847 Asylum Avenue

06/12/1877 |


Henry K. Morgan and George D. Morgan, acting as trustees, took title to the property at 847 Asylum Avenue.

The foreclosure proceeded against O. L. Hatch and Catharine J. Hatch.

The certificate of foreclosure referred to “the brick dwelling house” on the property.

  1. The certificate of foreclosure does not give the date on which George B. Barnes “subsequently … sold his interest” in 847 Asylum Avenue to Catharine Hatch, nor does it refer to a volume and page in the land records for this transaction.
  2. Also, the certificate states that Barnes sold his interest to Catharine Hatch, not to O. L. Hatch as had been reported in the Courant on January 5, 1876.
  3. The certificate additionally does not cite a specific volume and page in the land records for William G. Allen’s lien.

  1. O. L. Hatch bought 847 Asylum Avenue from George B. Barnes on January 5 ,1876.
  2. At some point after that, William G. Allen filed a lien against the property for “work done and materials furnished thereon.”
  3. In September 1876, Henry K. Morgan and George D. Morgan filed a petition to foreclose on 847 Asylum Avenue in the Superior Court of Hartford County.
  4. In January 1877, The Superior Court gave the Hatches until June 4, 1877, to redeem the mortgage.
  5. As of June 11, 1877, the mortgage had not been redeemed.

Henry Morgan will sell 847 Asylum Avenue to Linus Plimpton on September 10, 1879.

The legal description of 847 Asylum Avenue at this point was:

  • North: 65’ +/- along Asylum Avenue
  • East: ~210’ along land of J. B. Burr
  • South: 75’ +/- along land of the heirs of Joseph Morgan and Trinity Church Parish
  • West: 210’ +/- along land of Charles C. Strong

City of Hartford.  “Certificate of foreclosure,” Office of the Clerk Land Records, June 12, 1877, volume 168, page 455.

The Linus Plimpton House


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