Plimpton Manufacturing Company allowed more time to comply with its contract with the USPS

10/11/1874 |


The federal government was allowing the Plimpton Manufacturing Company about one more week to comply with its contract to supply stamped envelopes to the “post office department.”

The post office department anticipated that, by the end of this extension, it will have completely exhausted its remaining stock.

The dateline for the article was October 11, and other items in the column were reported as happening "to-day,” but no specific date for when the extension was granted was mentioned.

This report came from a column titled “Washington,” and the subhead was “General Intelligence.”

The column referred to the Plimpton Manufacturing Company as “Plympton.”

Unattributed.  “Washington,” Hartford Daily Courant, October 12, 1874, page 3.

Linus B. Plimpton


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