The Courant reported on the Springfield Republican’s commentary on the government envelope contract awarded to the Plimpton Manufacturing Company

09/25/1874 |


According to the Courant, the Springfield Republican reported that Marshall Jewell had not considered the Morgan Envelope Company’s bid for the government envelope company because the bid was not signed.

  1. The Morgan Envelope Company was understood by the Springfield Republican to be interested in carrying out the contract with the Plimpton Manufacturing Company.
  2. Also according to the Springfield Republican, a “half interest in the job is imputed to Mr. Morgan.”

Elisha Morgan had left for New York by the time the Springfield Republican ran its story.

“Had it been signed, the contract would probably have been awarded to the Morgan company.”

The Springfield Republican, as quoted by the Courant, called the Plimpton Manufacturing Company the “Plympton company.”

Unattributed.  “Brief mention,” Hartford Daily Courant, September 25, 1874, page 2.

Linus B. Plimpton


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