The Courant reported that Prescott, Plimpton & Company had re-located to Hartford

09/08/1865 |


The Courant reported that Prescott, Plimpton & Company had moved to a new building owned by the Howard Brothers, near the railroad depot.

  1. Prescott, Plimpton & Company had relocated from Tolland County and had already commenced operations there.
  2. The Courant described their new location as “favorable for their business; and no one could desire better facilities than the building of the Howards”:
  • The building had steam power as well as a steam-powered hoisting and lowering device
  • There was a railway connection from the sidewalk through the cellar to the workshop
  • The rooms were airy and well-ventilated
  • There were “ample provisions in numerous respects for the comfort, the safety and health of its occupants”.

Prescott, Plimpton & Company manufactured envelopes.

This report marks Linus Plimpton’s move from Rockville to Hartford.

The location of the Howard Brothers building near the “railroad depot” puts the building in the general vicinity of Union Station today.  Although this article is not more specific – and by 1869 Hartford had two depots, albeit in close proximity to each other – Linus Plimpton’s obituary placed his first business location in Hartford as the James L. Howard Building on Asylum Street.

  1. “Nothing builds up a place like manufacturing.”
  2. “We therefore chronicle every new manufacturing effort, with unusual pleasure; and we have rarely been more pleased than with what we witnessed in the new building of the Howard Brothers, near the railroad depot.”
  3. “Good luck to all new comers; but especially say we, good luck to him who introduces a novel branch of manufactures within our city limits. Such a man swells our resources, indirectly as well as directly.”

This article corresponds to the information in Linus Plimpton’s obituary that he moved to Hartford in 1865.

Unattributed.  “New manufacturing establishment,” Hartford Daily Courant, September 8, 1865, page 2.

Linus B. Plimpton


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