Site Selected for Asylum Hill Congregational Church

02/19/1864 |


A meeting was held at West Middle School to discuss the new Congregational church on Asylum Hill.

  1. The committee to recommend a site submitted its report to the attendees.
  2. The report recommended a site on the north side of Asylum Avenue west of Sumner Street.
  3. The attendees accepted the report.
  4. The attendees empowered the committee to purchase the lot.
  5. The attendees formed a committee to solicit subscriptions pay for the land for to build the new church, to buy the lot for the church, and to build the church.
  6. The attendees appointed Sam Coit, Erastus Collins, and A. M. Hurlburt to the new committee.

  1. The committee to recommend a site for the new church was formed February 3, 1864.
  2. Potential sites for the church were discussed on February 6, 1864.

  1. The Courant would publicly speculate on possible locations for the church on March 28, 1864.
  2. The site of the new church was formally approved on June 29, 1864.

Sumner Street had been opened in 1859.

Unattributed, “History of the Hill Church – F. Irvin Davis Gives It in Brief,” Hartford Courant, March 2, 1908, page 4.

Unattributed, “Rev. Dr. Joseph H. Twichell Honored at Anniversary of His Church,” Hartford Courant, March 24, 1915, page 16.

Asylum Hill Congregational Church


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