Early reporting on the new Congregational church

02/12/1864 |


The Courant reported that a new Congregational church was being considered for Asylum Hill.

This article represents the earliest public reference to the formation of the Asylum Hill Congregational Church that I have been able to find.

The article referred to a meeting that was held a “few evenings since, of gentlemen interested in the project, and a committee appointed to select a suitable site, and get terms for the land.”  This could refer to the meetings of February 3 or February 6, if not both.


  1. “A new Congregational church is in contemplation for Hartford.”
  2. “It might be well for holders of real estate on Asylum Hill to give the committee their prices.”

Unattributed, “The New Congregational Church,” Hartford Daily Courant, February 12, 1864, page 2.

Asylum Hill Congregational Church


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