George Affleck advertises his new nursery in Asylum Hill

04/05/1850 |


George Affleck ran a classified in today’s Hartford Daily Courant advertising plants now offered for sale at the new Asylum Hill Nurseries.

Affleck described his “new Nursery Grounds” as located a “short distance west of the New Depot, on Asylum street.”

Affleck offered the following for sale:

  • Trees: fruit and ornamental
  • Shrubs: ornamental
  • Roses: hardy climbing, hardy perpetual, moss, and hardy pure white

Some varieties of roses could be purchased in pots “or taken from the ground.”

This is, so far, the earliest reference to Affleck’s Asylum Hill Nursery that I’ve found.

The classified ad directly below Affleck’s advertised that plots could now be reserved in the new Spring Grove Cemetery, which wasn’t quite finished.  Thirty years later, George Affleck would be buried in Spring Grove Cemetery.

“Hardy pure whit Roses and Weeping Willows, suitable for Burying Grounds.”

Affleck, George.  “Asylum Hill Nurseries,” Hartford Daily Courant, April 5, 1850, page 3.

Page, Stephen.  “Hartford new cemetery,” Hartford Daily Courant, April 5, 1850, page 3.

George Affleck


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