Asylum Hill Congregational Church

814 Asylum Avenue, not the first of the churches to come up the Hill, but the oldest structure of the four. The chapel at the back of the church began holding services in 1864. The church was dedicated in 1866, and several major additions to the building, including the Parish House and the Gross Memorial Chapel, followed over the next 125 years.

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Asylum Hill Congregational Church Bernard Drew Joseph Twichell Architect at work on designs for Asylum Hill Congregational Church
Download Gospels-in-Stone---Asylum-Hill-Congregational-Church---41.76973-72.69171.m4a


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AllExteriorCampus Map
Campus Map: Asylum Hill Congregational Church
Exterior: Central Entrance Seen with Covid Banner
Exterior: Chapel - Northwest Corner
Exterior: Chapel - Old Entrance off Huntington Street
Exterior: Chapel and Smokestack
Exterior: Chapel, Seen from the North at a Distance
Exterior: Church - Central Entrance and Rosette
Exterior: Church - Rear Door
Exterior: Church - West Side
Exterior: Church, Viewed from Northeast
Exterior: Church, Viewed from South
Exterior: Church, Viewed from Southeast and across the street
Exterior: Church, Viewed from Southwest and across the street
Exterior: Detail of Central Entrance
Exterior: Gross Chapel - Entrance
Exterior: Gross Chapel, Viewed from Courtyard
Exterior: Gross Chapel, Viewed from Parking Lot
Exterior: Parish House - Courtyard Entrance
Exterior: Parish House - East Side
Exterior: Parish House - West Side
Exterior: Parish House Addition
Exterior: Parish House, Viewed from Courtyard
Exterior: Parish House, Viewed from Northwest
