The Woodland

Status: Upcoming

Originally the site of the home of Francis R. Cooley, whose father, Francis B. Cooley, was one of the richest men in Hartford. In November 1960, the Hartford Zoning Board of Appeals approved construction of The Woodland, which opened in 1963,


Move your mouse over a circle to see a photo.
AllExteriorExterior Detail
Exterior Detail: Front Entrance
Exterior Detail: Sign
Exterior: View from across the street
Exterior: View from Northeast
Exterior: View from Southeast


The main source for information on this page is the Hartford [Daily] Courant. Specific references to articles can be found under the timeline entries. I will soon be moving on to other, secondary sources of material, and they, as well as any additional Courant articles, will be added to the complete list of sources related to the contents on this page.
