Annual Meeting of the City Missionary Society

10/28/1860 |


The annual meeting of the City Missionary Society was held at the Center Church.


  1. The meeting began with singing and prayer
  2. S. Cleveland read the report of the secretary, which included reports on
  • The work of the City Missionary
  • The year’s accomplishments in the four Sunday schools
  1. the treasurer’s report was read.
  2. Speakers addressing the meeting:
  • David Hawley
  • W. Brigham
  • W. Russell
  • Roland Swift

Maria Metcalf reported that she had been at this meeting, and she was inspired by a speech given by David Hawley at this meeting to survey her neighbors as to their agreement with the call for a Sabbath School in Asylum Hill.

  1. The four speakers – Hawley, Brigham, Russell, and Swift – were also the superintendents of different Sunday schools in Hartford. Their speeches could have been their reports, which were offered prior to the treasurer’s report, or additional speeches given after the regular business of the meeting had concluded.
  2. Maria Metcalf and later Atwood Collins reported on the contents of Hawley’s speech, but the Courant article confined its reporting on Hawley’s remarks to his report on his job as City Missionary and on his role as superintendent of the Albany Avenue Sunday School.
  3. At the end of the article, the Courant reported that “[a]dresses were made by Messrs. David Hawley, D. W. Brigham, T. W. Russell, and Roland Swift, giving note of the progress of their work, and urging its claims and necessities.”
  4. Metcalf would later misremember the location of this meeting, giving the location of the 1861 annual meeting instead.

 Tomorrow, Marie Metcalf will begin her survey of her neighborhood on Asylum Hill, and this survey will lead to the formation of the Asylum Hill Sabbath School.



  1. E. S. Cleveland, from his report as secretary: “Whatever of progress; whatever of success has crowned our efforts; and whatever of joy and satisfaction comes form the labor of the past, let us unite in attributing to the watchful care of our Heavenly Father, without whose notice ‘not a sparrow falleth to the ground,’ and who prompts every good thought and worthy endeavor.”
  2. Hawley’s report as City Missionary: “2840 visits to the poor; distributed nearly 2000 tracts; 1504 articles of closing; received 3500 calls at his house and office, from the poor and others on missionary errands; attended 7 funerals; 3 religious meetings a week; usually 5 services on the Sabbath; procured places of employment for 26 boys and girls; visited 328 families who seldom attend church; distributed on Thanksgiving day 2500 pounds of poultry to 315 families, and 500 cakes to poor children; received by voluntary contribution, $266.60; disbursed $250.90; leaving a balance in hand of $15.60.”

  1. D. W. Brigham served as superintendent of the Union School.
  2. David Hawley, in addition to being the City Missionary, also served as superintendent of the Albany Avenue School. He was also Joseph Hawley’s uncle.
  3. T. W. Russell served as superintendent of the Morgan Street School.
  4. Rowland Swift served as superintendent of the Park Street School.  He is also referred to as "Roland Swift."

Swartz, Melva J., “Hill Church Will Observe Anniversary,” Hartford Courant, March 18, 1940, page 1.

Unattributed, “Rev. Dr. Joseph H. Twichell Honored at Anniversary of His Church,” Hartford Courant, March 24, 1915, page 16.

Unattributed, “The Annual Meeting of the City Missionary Society …,” Hartford Daily Courant, October 29, 1860, page 2.

Asylum Hill Congregational Church


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