Tour Guide

Jonathan Clark is a local historian and longtime resident of Asylum Hill. He covers important sites that are no longer extant, including the Old Town Farm, the Old Town Reservoir, the Collins Street mansions, and as an extra treat his own home on Huntington Street. He integrates historic photographs into his presentation, giving you a glimpse of what the neighborhood looked like, and he gives you a sense of how and why this section of Asylum Hill has changed since the 1870s.

182 Collins Street

55 Ashley Street

Ashley Street Italianates

C. M. Holbrook Estate

Connecticut Mutual Building

Garden Street Reservoir

Goodwin Castle

James Howard House

Old Collins Street

Old Town Farm

Sigourney Square Park

The Mahl Houses

The Mahl Two-Family Homes

The Victorian Lady


Willard Street
Forgotten Asylum Hil...FrankGospels in Stone: T...JonathanLinus Plimpton Strol...MaryWoodland Street Stro...WTF, or What the Fra...