Welcome to Asylum Hill! A neighborhood at the center of Hartford -- not quite downtown but even better than that.

This site is an outgrowth of NINA's summer walking tour series. These tours highlight the history, the architecture, and the landscape of Asylum Hill, but we never took the time to collect all of the information that we shared on these tours in one repository. Our goal here is to develop that repository -- history is a shared enterprise -- and we hope over time to build an encyclopedia of the neighborhood that you can than use to create your own tours, digital or analog, that focuses on the things that most matter to you. We'll still run our walking tours, but we hope to go beyond, well beyond …

For now, this site will be an exercise in "found history" -- as we find it, we'll add it. We're going to create three main parent pages -- People, Places, and Events -- and we'll try to tag each so that later it will be a highly searchable site, one that you can also use to create tours that focus on your interests, not just ours. And we'd like to have your contributions as well! Any sourced information you have, we'll add. We may also add a "what we're looking for" page to solicit information on things we've found but just aren't certain about, and we hope that we'll hear from people with direct experience with the history we're posting here.

We hope you'll enjoy this exercise in developing a web site. Please feel free to contact us at info@ninahartford.org for the time being. We'll eventually add a contact page that will allow you get in touch with us more directly.

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