Linus Plimpton Stroll

Asylum Hill Congregational Church

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A. Elijah Hart House

Aaron Goodman House


Asylum Avenue Baptist Church

Asylum Hill Congregational Church

Cathedral of Saint Joseph

Catholic Charities

Charles E. Gross & George Affleck

Dunn-Waterman Building

Early Condo Conversion

Elisha Bliss House

Firehouse #5

George Bolles Residence & AHCC Parsonage

James Plimpton House

The Hartford & The American School for the Deaf

The Linus B. Plimpton House

Trinity Episcopal Church

Wallace Stevens Walk Marker #2

Webster Bank & the Morgan Homestead

Forgotten Asylum Hil...FrankGospels in Stone: T...JonathanLinus Plimpton Strol...MaryWoodland Street Stro...WTF, or What the Fra...