Tour Guide

Frank Hagaman is the retired executive director of Hartford Preservation Alliance, a committed historic preservationist, and an experienced not-for-profit housing developer. He's currently on his second go-round in Hartford, having lived in Frog Hollow in the 1980s before moving to Indianapolis. He returned to Hartford in the 2010s and moved into Asylum Hill, which he continues to call home.

279 Farmington Avenue

285 Farmington Avenue

88 Hawthorn Street

Childhood home of Katharine Hepburn

Harriet Beecher Stowe House

Immanuel Congregational Church

Inside 88 Hawthorn Street

Jones-Plimpton House

Katharine Day House

Mark Twain House

Niles Street Community Garden

Nook Farm

The Former Comet Diner

The Woodland
Forgotten Asylum Hil...FrankGospels in Stone: T...JonathanLinus Plimpton Strol...MaryWoodland Street Stro...WTF, or What the Fra...